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 Model Railroading Layouts Coffee Table



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Coffee Table

Progress Update
Updated 04/16/2002

I have finished putting my feeder wires in but I have yet to stain and clear coat the table.

The glass is in and now sits on top of the table, although the top border is still not connected to the rest of the table yet. It looks great! I'll take a photo soon!

I have successfully run my new Kato F7A analog unit around the layout! Yes, that's right, I said analog. I have decided that it is not cost effective for me to purchase a DCC system for such a small project.


This small coffee table layout will turn out to be about 40"x40" when finally dropped inside the center of the coffee table. My space contraints and lack of a good coffee table is what inspired me to go this route. It is small, easily movable, and I should hopefully get a strong, durable piece of oak furniture out of it.

The layout is a basic oval shape folded over once, giving me 2 loops to run with. About 75% will be visible while the other 25% will be underneath the scenery. This will hopefully give the illusion of a much longer mainline run when the train is set in motion. There won't be much room for sidings and industry, so I'll have to sacrifice prototype operation for the fun part of running my train. Hey, it's a small space, what would you do??

Track Plan

This is roughly 40"x40".

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